Un exemple de fortificació cristiana de nova planta del segle XIIIPortell de Morella

  1. Pablo García Borja
  2. Joan Palmer Broch
  3. Vicent Royo Pérez
  4. Yolanda Carrión Marco
  5. Antonio García Blay
  6. Jose Antonio Ruiz Suaña
  7. Cristina Real Margalef
  8. Marta Valls Llorens
  9. Guillem Pérez Jordà
Quaderns de prehistòria i arqueologia de Castelló

ISSN: 1137-0793

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 37

Pages: 191-214

Type: Article

More publications in: Quaderns de prehistòria i arqueologia de Castelló


The walls of Portell de Morella are the most apparent material proof of its medieval past. However, archeological excavations have never been made in these walls, with the aim to discover its initial chronology and to connect the visible architectural elements and the archeological remains hidden in the subsoil. In the last years, a series of projects has been promoted by the local government with the aim of recovering and valuing the walls and towers. Thanks to archeological excavations carried out it has been possible to establish the initial chronology of the walls in the middle of the 13th Century.