Violencia intrafamiliar y campañas de Marketing Social frente a una sociedad cubana cada vez más envejecida

  1. Díaz Iturriagagoitía, Marianela
  2. Rojas Hernández, Belkis

ISSN: 1562-3297

Datum der Publikation: 2017

Ausgabe: 19

Nummer: 4

Seiten: 340-351

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Avances


The present study deepens in the manifestations of interfamily violence in the elderly, an age group that shows an accelerated increase in Cuba; this in turn has searched an approach to its prevention from the use of Social Marketing as mechanism to involve and raise awareness of more people about this social evil. Its objective: to design a Social Marketing campaign for the prevention of interfamily violence in the elderly in the municipality of Pinar del Rio. With this propose, a methodology was proposed in which the object of study was assumed from the multidimensionality, which inquired about the relationship between interfamily violence, older adult and the treatment of the subject from the communication, from the mix of paradigms of quantitative and qualitative research. Meanwhile, different theoretical and empirical methods such as historical-logic, analysis and synthesis, the survey, the in-depth interview and discussion groups were used, which guided and enriched the investigative work. Under this guideline, it was possible to verify the validity on interfamily violence in the elderly in the municipality of Pinar del Río, as well as the importance and effectiveness of prevention of these social problems with the accompaniment of social communication tools, in order to change attitudes, raise awareness and create a public opinion according to the situation and real extent of the situation.

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