Calidad de leche de ovejarelación entre parámetros físico-químicos y tecnológicos para la fabricación de queso

  1. González, G.
  2. Villamediana, R.
  3. Rodríguez, L.A.
  4. Delgado, D.
  5. Arias, R.
  6. Garzón, A.
  7. Pérez-Guzmán, M.D.
  8. Asensio-Vegas, C.
  9. Bueno, F.
  10. Bodas, R.
XLI Congreso nacional de la sociedad española de ovinotecnia y caprinotecnia (SEOC): XVII congreso internacional SEOC
  1. María Jesús Alcalde Aldea (coord.)
  2. Valentín Pérez Pérez (coord.)
  3. Raúl Bodas Rodríguez (coord.)
  4. Juan José Mateos Fernández (coord.)
  5. Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez (coord.)

Publisher: Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia SEOC

ISBN: 978-84-608-8680-8

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 192-197

Congress: Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia (SEOC). Jornadas (41. 2016. Talavera de la Reina - Toledo)

Type: Conference paper


The relationship between sheep's milk physic-chemical and microbiologicalparameters and those related with its processing performance has beenstudied by analysing 216 farm tank samples. Generally speaking, rennetingkinetics and curd yield significantly correlated to fat, total and cheese solids,lactose and precipitated caseins; correlations being positive or negativedepending on the parameters considered. Microbiological counts related tofarm hygiene (thermoduric) and to udder health (Staphilococcus) have anegative impact on milk processing performance. This fact reveals the needto implement good practices systems, in particular as regards the cleaningand sanitizing of milking sheep's housing, milking parlour, dairy and tanks aswell as the control of mastitis.