Estudi arqueològic i caracterització arqueomètrica de la "terra sigillata" de la ciutat de Baetulo (Badalona)

  1. Madrid Fernández, Marisol
Dirigida por:
  1. Jaume Buxeda Garrigós Director/a
  2. Josep Maria Gurt Esparraguera Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universitat de Barcelona

Fecha de defensa: 05 de enero de 2006

  1. Mercé Roca Roumens Presidente/a
  2. María Victoria Romero Carnicero Secretaria
  3. Simonetta Menchelli Vocal
  4. Vassilis Kilikoglou Vocal
  5. Giuseppe Montana Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 129598 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The aim of this study is the archaeological and archaeometrical analysis of the Indeterminate, Italian (TSI), Gaulish (TSS) and Hispanic (TSH) Terra Sigillata recovered from the modern excavations in Baetulo in order to identify the different productions included in these main groups. For the archaeological analysis, four recent excavations, in which the oldest stratigraphic levels including Sigillata pottery have been documented, were selected. These contexts cover a period from the beginning of the Augustan government to the second half of the 2nd century AD. During this period, Sigillata productions are always documented, in some cases contemporary to the formation of the stratigraphic layers, while in others as residual materials. Even though all individuals are considered in the archaeological and archaeometrical study, the chronological discussion focuses only on those stratigraphic layers contemporary to the ceramic circulation. After the archaeological analysis, a random sampling was conduced and 225 individuals from Baetulo were archaeometrically characterized. Besides, 63 individuals from Emporiae and 75 from Tarraco were also characterized in order to get a better knowledge about the TS commercialization in the Catalan coast. For provenance studies based on chemical composition, chemical analyses were performed by means of X Rays Flourescence (XRF) and Neutron Activation (NA). Mineralogical analyses were performed by means of X Rays Diffraction (XRD) for technological studies. Scanning Electronic Microscope (SEM) was used for microstructure and sintering stage studies. Finally, tests for measuring strength to the rupture of the materials were applied in order to define qualities. The study carried out in Baetulo allowed us the identification of a great number of terra sigillata productions, most of them associated to productions, workshops or provenance areas archaeometrically known. Besides, the integration of the archaeological and archaeometrical results, allows proposing the circulation periods of theses productions: arrival, coexistence and disappearance in Baetulo. The contrast of the results from Baetulo with those from Emporiae and Tarraco point out that despite the coincidences, the three cities would have had their own commercial dynamic. Therefore, Baetulo would not have been just in tow of any great city."