El tránsito de la era de las redes socio digitales a la edad del metaverso

  1. Octavio Islas 1
  2. Amaia Arribas 2
  3. María-Eugenia Garcés 3
  1. 1 Tecnológico de Monterrey, México
  2. 2 Universidad Hemisferios, Ecuador
  3. 3 Universidad Central de Ecuador, Ecuador
Redes sociales y ciudadanía: ciberculturas para el aprendizaje
  1. Ignacio Aguaded (coord.)
  2. Arantxa Vizcaíno-Verdú (coord.)
  3. Ángel Hernando-Gómez (coord.)
  4. Mónica Bonilla-del-Río (coord.)

Publisher: Grupo Comunicar

ISBN: 9788493731694

Year of publication: 2022

Pages: 25-29

Type: Book chapter


This text aims to analyze socio-digital networks and metaverses as complex media environments containing message systems that can vary in their levels of complexity, as pointed out by “Media Ecology” (ME). The data on the exponential consumption of socio-digital networks in the world leads us to the transition from the age of socio-digital networks to the era of the metaverse.