Competencia mediática en estudiantes y profesores colombianos

  1. Arenas Fernández, Arturo Hernán
Supervised by:
  1. José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez Director
  2. Yamile Sandoval Romero Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 13 June 2022

  1. Alfonso Gutiérrez Martín Chair
  2. Rosalba Mancinas Chávez Secretary
  3. Bruno Miguel dos Santos Mendes da Silva Committee member

Type: Thesis


Exercising as citizens in this 21st century demands more and better skills for various issues and in different contexts and one of them is related to the media and information technologies, without which people will be less prepared to face the challenges challenges imposed by the current communication ecosystem. The main objective of this research was to establish the level of media competence of students of basic, middle and higher education and of higher education teachers in five regions of Colombia, through a non-experimental quantitative research with a descriptive transectional design. The result allowed establishing that all the groups analyzed present a medium level of competence, with some differences among the six dimensions of such competence, which indicates that they have significant deficiencies that affect the way these audiences relate and interact with the media and ICTs and where the school institution is not playing a leading and determining role, since it was established that the competences acquired by these people have been mainly self-taught. The study also showed that students increase their competence in some dimensions as they advance from basic to secondary education and from secondary to higher education. In the case of university professors, it was found that in most dimensions their level of competence is lower than that of higher education students. The study showed that the groups have a better level of competence associated with the analysis ambit than with the expression. The most important conclusion is that the level of media competence of the groups studied is not ideal for having an adequate interaction with this media and informational ecosystem and therefore their full and active exercise as citizens would be affected, all of which poses the challenge. to advance a more determined and systematic media and information literacy in the school context that contributes to the formation of active, critical and reflective citizenships.