Formative assessment and Final Degree Projects in Physical Education Pre-service Teacher Education.
- Fernández-Garcimartín, Carla
- López Pastor, Victor Manuel
- Fuentes-Nieto, Teresa
- Hortigüela-Alcalá, David 1
Universidad de Burgos
ISSN: 1696-5043
Argitalpen urtea: 2023
Zenbakien izenburua: Monográfico de Evaluación formativa y compartida en Educación Física. Evaluar para implicar, dialogar, compartir y aprender
Alea: 18
Zenbakia: 55
Orrialdeak: 33-56
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Cultura, ciencia y deporte
The aim of this research is to analyse the processes of formative and shared-assessment (F&SA) in the development-tutoring and defence-evaluation of the Final Year Projects (FYP) in Physical Education Teacher Education. A case study was carried out with 20 participants (12 lecturers and 8 students), applying four data collection techniques (in-depth interviews, focus group, group interview and seminar proceedings). The results show that it is possible to carry out F&SAprocesses during the development and final evaluation of the FYP. The main results are: (a) rubrics are not usuallyused as an instrument for feedback, self-regulation and self-assessment; (b) during the COVID-19 confinement,rubrics were used to provide formative feedback and to justify the online grading of the FYP; (c) teachers andstudents prefer the defence of the FYP to be face to face, due to the advantages in terms of the feedback theyobtain. Lessons learned are provided on how to carry out F&SA processes during the tutoring-developmentand evaluation-defence of the FYP using the rubrics as a formative, feedback and feedforward element. Theseresults represent an advance in the learning processes using F&SA and feedback in a very understudied subject,the FYP.
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