Tools for the Learning of Programming Languages and Paradigms: Integration of a Code Validator and Exercises Module Into the Moodle eLearning Platform

  1. Pérez-Juárez, María A. 1
  2. Antón-Rodríguez, Míriam 1
  3. Jiménez-Gómez, María I. 1
  4. Díaz-Pernas, Francisco J. 1
  5. Martínez-Zarzuela, Mario 1
  6. González-Ortega, David 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Valladolid

    Universidad de Valladolid

    Valladolid, España


Code Generation, Analysis Tools, and Testing for Quality

ISSN: 2327-039X 2327-0403

Any de publicació: 2019

Pàgines: 106-125

Tipus: Capítol de llibre

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7455-2.CH005 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccés obert editor

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


The learning of programming languages and paradigms is complex and requires a lot of training. For this reason, it is very important to detect students' main problems and needs to be able to provide professors with tools that help students to overcome those problems and difficulties. One type of tool that can be used for this purpose is the code validator. This chapter explores the possibilities and impact of using different tools and strategies for learning programming languages and paradigms. To achieve this goal, the authors have conducted a comprehensive search of relevant scientific literature that has been complemented with their experience using a JavaScript code validator and exercises module integrated into the e-learning platform Moodle, with university students during a web programming course.

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