Upper Limb Musculature and Brachial Plexus
- Diogo, Rui 2
- Shearer, Brian 4
- Potau, Josep M. 7
- Pastor, Juan F. 3
- de Paz, Felix J. 3
- Arias-Martorell, Julia 7
- Turcotte, Cassandra 1
- Hammond, Ashley 1
- Vereecke, Evie 5
- Vanhoof, Marie 5
- Nauwelaerts, Sandra 6
- Wood, Bernard 1
George Washington University
Howard University
Universidad de Valladolid
City University of New York
KU Leuven
University of Antwerp
Universitat de Barcelona
ISBN: 9783319541051, 9783319541068
Year of publication: 2017
Pages: 49-145
Type: Book chapter
In this chapter we describe the upper limb musculature musculature of the bonobos dissected by us and by other previous authors, and compare it with that of common chimpanzees. The three major differences between the two chimpanzee species are: the intermetacarpales and flexores breves profundi muscles in the hand of bonobos usually fuse to form dorsal interossei, a shared feature with modern humans; bonobos usually have a stout tendon of the flexor digitorum profundus attaching to digit 1 (in modern humans the homologous tendon of the flexor pollicis longus to digit 1 is usually also stout; and bonobos usually have an attachment between the pectoralis minor and the coracoid process of the scapula, as modern humans usually do.
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