La unión bancaria y su ansiado tercer pilar: El sistema de garantía de depósitos europeo (y el fondo único de resolución como broche de los dos primeros pilares)

Revista de Derecho del Sistema Financiero: mercados, operadores y contratos

ISSN: 2695-9534

Année de publication: 2021

Número: 2

Pages: 331-376

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Revista de Derecho del Sistema Financiero: mercados, operadores y contratos


This work will focus on the term Ban-king Union, which was proposed as the corners-tone of the European Union in the financial field after the strong crisis suffered at the beginning of the century. Despite all the problems found for its conclusion, hard work continues to complete it. This Banking Union is based on three pillars. The first is known as the Single Supervisory Mecha-nism, which will have mechanisms and tools to supervise all the credit institutions of the Euro-pean Union in a homogeneous and transparent way. The second pillar is the Single Resolution Mechanism, which arises in parallel to the first of the pillars, since once each and every credit institution had been supervised, it was necessary to have a mechanism that dealt specifically with the possible resolution of the credit institution. This second pillar has an essential support point, known as the Single Resolution Fund, which provides economic balance in the event of a pos-sible resolution. Finally, the third of the pillars is known as the European Deposist Insurance Scheme, pending implementation and develo-pment due to different discrepancies between Member States, and with which the long- awaited Banking Union would be completed.

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