La pérdida de la vista en las fuentes médicas y lexicográficas griegasἀμβλυωπία y ἀμαύρωσις
Universidad de Valladolid
ISSN: 0874-5498
Año de publicación: 2023
Número: 25
Páginas: 95-118
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Ágora: estudos clássicos em debate
In the following article, two conditions related to sight loss, amblyopia (ἀμβλυωπία) and amaurosis (ἀμαύρωσις), will be analysed drawing on two types of sources: medical and lexicographical. The verbs derived from these two diseases will also be studied: ἀμβλυωπέω, ἀμβλυώττω and ἀμαυρόω. The aim of the study is to determine, by means of these sources, to what extent one condition differed from the other and, additionally, to shed some light on the usage of these terms and their corresponding verbs by the ancients
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