El test mongil de actividades de la vida diaria básicas, instrumentales y avanzadas y su utilidad en el envejecimiento
- Rosa López Mongil
- José Antonio López Trigo
- Alfonso Gordaliza Ramos
ISSN: 0214-9877
Year of publication: 2013
Issue Title: Familia y educación: Aspectos positivos
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Pages: 221-226
Type: Article
More publications in: International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology: INFAD. Revista de Psicología
The functional deterioration of the organism seems to start when the secretion of the growth hormone descends, and this hormone starts showing the ageing when the vitality descends and proportionally the vulnerability increases. Ageing is a process that descends intrinsically and it is connected with the fragility, which is a condition that precedes the disabilities. In terms of gerontology is required a global approach that settles in the consequences of the disease and its psychological and social dimensions, because all this has a repercussion in terms of health that we know as “functions” of the individual and moreover in life’s quality. It is a priority to reach the quantifications or objectivity of the functional phase of the individuals that form the population, to create a result based on the research of the population that can serve as a reference and also can allow comparative conclusions. Taking into account the test CM 98 Basic activities of daily living (BADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) following the structure, the criterion of construction and the characteristics of the test, It is proposed to use test Mongil of BADL, IADL and Advanced activities of daily living (AADL), that suppose an innovation because with a simple change in the order of the application of the questions, they show prominent benefits. Basing on theses benefits we outline an increase on the facility of executing these tests because they present a logical order and, as a result of this fact is possible to obtain information related with the presence of cognitive impairment and/or dementia in the tests. Another aspect to consider is the possibility of being used as a useful test in the course of a psychodiagnosis in the various levels of care where seniors are attended: consultations for those residing in the community, nursing home and hospitals. These measurements also have a great interest not only to clinicians but also for health economists for its direct relationship with the dependence
Bibliographic References
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