Herpes Genital

  1. José Ramón Sánchez-Crespo Bolaños 1
  2. Carolina González Hernando 2
  1. 1 Centro de Salud Canterac de Valladolid; Universidad de Valladolid
  2. 2 Centro de Salud Arturo Eyries de Valladolid; Universidad de Valladolid
Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia

ISSN: 2386-8201

Year of publication: 2010

Volume: 3

Issue: 2

Pages: 124-126

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia


The genital herpes is an infection of viral sexual transmission that represents the most frequent reason of genital ulcer in our environment. Clinically it deals with recurrent episodes who can be asymptomatic or with typical injuries vesicles-ulcers. Though there are serologic tests that confirm the diagnosis, as well as viral culture of the injuries, at Primary Care the diagnosis is eminently clinical. The treatment of choice consists of antiviral systemic medicaments, wich they shorten the time of elimination of the virus though they do not avoid the recidivation. It is important to remember the frequent predisposition with other infections of sexual transmission especially with the HIV infection. So we must not fail to take advantage of the opportunity to do search it. We present a case of a 36 years old adult male with typical injuries that comes to our consultation.

Bibliographic References

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