El futuro de la ecologíala sabiduría como centro especulativo de la ética ambiental
- 1 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile)
ISSN: 1132-1989, 2386-3773
Year of publication: 2016
Volume: 27
Issue: 91
Pages: 329-338
Type: Article
More publications in: Cuadernos de bioética
This article argues that it is necessary to go back to Potter’s proposal to rediscover a concept of bioethics wider than medical ethics, and strongly connected to environmental ethics. The two disciplines share, among others, the following dimensions: the consciousness of the sin as a consequence of recent technological developments; the need for a salvation; the need for a science of survival; wisdom as a possible solution. Referring to the latter, the work of Van Rennselaer Potter (father of bioethics) and Arne Næss (father of deep ecology, and in a broader sense, of environmental ethics) are particularly linked: it seems that wisdom should be the virtue providing answers about our way of dwelling the world. Finally, we will argue about the need for a practical wisdom (phronesis) for the future of environmental ethics.
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