Acceso al agua potable y saneamientoDesafío en las Américas para colectivos étnicos desde los estándares internacionales de protección de los derechos humanos

  1. Yennesit Palacios Valencia 1
  1. 1 Tecnológico de Antioquia Institución Universitaria

    Tecnológico de Antioquia Institución Universitaria

    Medellín, Colombia


Relaciones internacionales

ISSN: 1699-3950

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: Un debate global sobre el agua: enfoques actuales y casos de estudio

Issue: 45

Pages: 137-162

Type: Article

DOI: 10.15366/RELACIONESINTERNACIONALES2020.45.006 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Relaciones internacionales

Sustainable development goals


There is consensus in the international community that water and sanitation are basic human rights, prerequisites for the enjoyment of the remaining rights. For this reason, international human rights law imposes on States obligations of protection, promotion and guarantee, also applicable to the defense of human rights to water and sanitation. However, the current reality is worrying, while in the Americas, high rates of disease have been documented, along with the incorporation of mining projects in protected reserve ecosystems, which transform habitat and negatively affect resources hydric. This, without delving into the people who die due to the absence of drinking water and sanitation. At the same time, the panorama is more complex when the study is carried out from an ethnic perspective, since Afro-descendant, indigenous and tribal people suffer afflictions of this type in the region in a marked way and they are especially vulnerable due to the different way in which inhabit and appropriate their territory. In general, their ancestral rituals, among other cultural values, have been affected extractive economy that is woven throughout the region. This aspects have a notable influence on the eradication of the poverty and of certain diseases, especially when Afro-descendant, indigenous and tribal people occupy an important and representative place, among people living in poverty and extreme poverty. This is an approximate panorama, it being necessary to contextualize this reference in relation to the American continent, to finally understand the pending challenges. To explain the above, a socio-legal study will be presented, based on the documentary method, but with an ethnic focus. This will be supported, among other things, in reports emanating from the universal and inter-American system for the protection of human rights, in order to understand the needs and requirements in this matter, resorting to the special rapporteurs at the United Nations Organization - UN, among them, the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation; Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; and the Office of the Rapporteur for the Rights of People of African Descent and against Racial Discrimination, this within the framework of the Organization of American States - OAS. Reports that are essential for the study, while reaffirming, on the one hand, the importance of safe and universal access to water for all, and on the other, the implications of affirmative actions, based on the principle of equality and non-discrimination, in parallel, in vulnerable populations. In this regard, this document studies the commitments related to human rights in the international field, in light of the standards within the framework of the universal and regional human rights system, using the international corpus iuris issued by the UN and OAS, on the right to water and sanitation. The main objective of the article is not only to make visible the challenges in the Americas for ethnic groups from the international standards of protection of human rights, in relation to water and sanitation as basic rights, but also, from an ethnic/ancestral differential approach to claim the particularities demanded by indigenous, Afro-descendant and tribal populations, as traditionally excluded and stigmatized groups. The ethnic focus is important since ethnicity as a category of analysis allows identifying distinctive features referring not only to African heritage, but also to a culture of its own with particular needs, such as the recognition of ethnic/ancestral territories and their linguistic-cultural identity. Specifically, the text studies the various conceptual and legal responses related to the problem of water and sanitation in the American continent, including international and social approaches, from different points of view, that is, the guidelines of organs, organizations, and agencies international, together with the perspective of social movements. Regarding the human right to water, the article proposes that it should be treated as a social and cultural good, and not fundamentally as an economic good. As an essential element, the human right to water is approached from four perspectives as follows: (1) availability, (2) quality, and (3) accessibility, all of them aligned to (4) the principle of equality and non-discrimination, which for the study, will be addressed independently, but interconnected to the previous ones. Regarding the human right to sanitation, it is approached from the understanding that services must be available and innocuous, acceptable, accessible and affordable. In this regard, having potable water and sanitation under equitable conditions as an essential component of the enjoyment of all human rights clearly constitutes a responsibility for all States in the region. However, in a continent like the American, characterized by having considerably large cities and very large population, with expansion and development projects that do not limit extractive industries, the situation worsens for the inhabitants of rural areas, who are usually among the poorest. Based on the above, the article is developed in five parts as follows: in the first, a contextualization of the population under study is developed. On the other hand, in a second moment the problem under study is explained, assuming as a central thesis the precariousness of the right to water and sanitation from an ethnic perspective, that is, in indigenous, Afro-descendant and tribal populations, in the panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean, despite its international recognition as a human right. In the third part, a conceptually comprehensive study is made on the human right to water and sanitation, concluding that, although they are related rights, they are independent and with their own foundations. Regarding the fourth part, it explains the international standards to understand the responsibility of the States in the Americas. Finally, the fifth part describes the findings and pending challenges in the region. In detail, the close relationship between extractivism, Afro-descendant, Indigenous and Tribal Populations in the region stands out as a conclusion placing some peoples, even in danger of extinction. This a situation that is concentrated, to a greater extent, in the rural context, rather than the urban. This makes it possible to identify, at the same time, a population nucleus more than others, where the right to drinking water and sanitation obviously does not enjoy universality. Another important and significant finding is the lack of free, prior and informed consent to the indigenous and tribal peoples in the respective governments in the region, prior to the beginning extractive projects on their ancestral land or using resources within the Afro-descendant, indigenous or tribal population’s territory. On the other hand, although the situation of the States in the Americas is very heterogeneous, it is necessary that government policies at the regional level also dialogue with civil society, since these are crucial to reduce environmental degradation and pollution.

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