Ontosemántica de la vulnerabilidad existencialTres postulados iatrofilosóficos
Universidad de Valladolid
ISSN: 2007-1868
Year of publication: 2024
Issue Title: Vulnerabilidad: un reto entre la filosofía y las ciencias médicas
Volume: 15
Issue: 29
Pages: 21-43
Type: Article
More publications in: STOA
Sustainable development goals
Along with physical, biological, and mental vulnerability, the existential vulnerability of human beings must be addressed. Iatrophilosophy, a translational discipline between philosophy and medicine, would be competent in this. The problems of the classical meaning of the 'mind-brain problem' (MBP) are analysed and the 'brain-mind postulate' (BsMP) is proposed as an alternative, according to which in endogenous psychoses there would be a polarization of meaning towards meaning (logopathies) or towards the reference (thymopathies). Keywords: enactivism, philosophy of mind, neurophenomenology, psychiatry, ontosemantics.