Al servicio de su rey y su marido. Constanza de Acuña y la agencia femenina en la diplomacia de Felipe III (1613-1618)

  1. Herrero García, Diego 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Valladolid (España)
Revista de Historia Moderna: Anales de la Universidad de Alicante

ISSN: 0212-5862 1989-9823

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 41

Pages: 57-82

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14198/RHM.24336 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

More publications in: Revista de Historia Moderna: Anales de la Universidad de Alicante


Whereas Diego Sarmiento de Acuña (1567-1626), 1st Count of Gondomar, hast been hailed since the Nineteenth Century as one of the most remarkable ambassadors of the Spanish Early Modern period, little to no attention has been paid to the role played by his second wife Constanza de Acuña y Avellaneda (1570-1632), during his embassies in London. By studying the couple’s private and public correspondence, plus other additional sources, it is our intention to identify the avenues of autonomous agency explored by doña Constanza as an independent yet closely linked with her husband historical agent within the theoretical framework of the Diplomatic Working Couple. Our analysis focuses on her tasks as ambassadress during the count’s first embassy (1613-168), whom she personally accompanied to England. In particular, we delve into how she administered lineage affairs, managed both the ambassadorial household and its chapel, fostered aristocratic friendships at court, acted as a diplomatic representative and interacted with the royal couple – tasks that other «ambassadresses» also undertook. Lastly, we offer a first look at a distinctive yet aborted episode, which gives us an enticing perspective with regards to the possibilities of female agency in Philippe III’s diplomacy: the proposal that doña Constanza remained by herself as the ambassador’s wife in Paris in 1618 serving the queen of France Anne of Austria (1601-1666). Our findings begin to outline the countess as a diplomatic agent and at the same time prompt us to reconsider from new perspectives the diplomatic activities performed by the count of Gondomar in London. Furthermore, our conclusions emphasize the early recognition of the «ambassadress» within the Early Jacobean court ceremonial, identify the various modes of operation of the diplomatic couple, highlight the countess’ service to both King and husband and, by doing so, question the way ambassadress’ task tend to be viewed as part of the «informal» realm of Early Modern Diplomacy.

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