Jámblico y la filosofía como forma de vida
Universidad de Valladolid
ISSN: 0211-2337
Year of publication: 2024
Volume: 41
Volume: 2
Pages: 293-301
Type: Article
More publications in: Anales del seminario de historia de la filosofía
The philosophy of Iamblichus has been a big hermeneutic challenge for his readership. Specifically, his conception of logos and his epistemology cannot be understood if we do not approach them via lenses that do not contradict the practices and thoughts of the day and age and the tradition belong to. Some authors have in fact invalidated Iamblichus´ proposal stating that it is a kind of call for irrationalism. In opposition to this reading line, authors such as C. V. Liefferinge have relied on thesis that are present in P. Hadot´s philosophy in order to uphold that is viable to open up ourselves to the conception of Iamblichus´ philosophy through his defence of the rite and the symbol. Therefore, in the present essay it will be investigated this idea in order to enlighten the hidden cores of sense of the hermeneutics of rationality, which emanate from the works of Iamblichus. For this, we will support that his philosophy is, primarily, a defence of a rational way of life that can be ascertain in his platonic roots.
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