Area: Optics

Research group: Atmospheric Optics (GOA-UVA)

Graduated in Physics from the University of Havana, Cuba, 1981. In 1982 I began to work at the Camagüey Provincial Meteorological Center (CMPC) in studies of clouds with radar for the Cloud Seeding experiments of the Cuban-Soviet Laboratory of Tropical Meteorology (LCCS). From 1986 to 1988 he worked as a specialist in Atomic Emission Spectral Analysis at the Geology Company of Camagüey. I returned to the CMPC at the end of 1988 as a specialist in charge of the Camagüey Lidar Station (ELC) installed by the LCCS to measure stratospheric aerosols (AE) and cirrus clouds. He conducts research on the climatic effects of AE and tropopause properties. Applying the results of the studies of the clouds with radar for the LCCS, I contributed to the development of the system "Automated Radical Complex for Localized Rain Information", National Prize of the Cuban Academy of Sciences in 1993. I took postgraduate courses in management techniques , useful years later to create the Latin American Lidar Network (LALINET) and the Camagüey Atmospheric Optics Group (GOAC). By applying these techniques I have promoted international scientific cooperation with Cuba. Directed by Prof. Alan Robock I conducted studies of Master in Meteorology (1996 -1998) at the University of Maryland and PhD (1999-2002) at Rutgers University, United States During my doctorate I designed and founded in 2001 LALINET which I led for 10 years, promoting the rejuvenation of its leadership. LALINET continues operating and developing today. At the end of 2002 I returned to the CMPC in Cuba and continued research on AE and cirrus clouds, extending them to the characterization of their optical properties and the determination of their radiative effect, which won the National Prize of the Cuban Academy of Sciences in 2009. Cooperate with the Spanish project of studies of the global tropopause on the subject of multiple tropopauses, specifically in the characterization of the properties of multiple tropopauses at a global level. I began research on solar radiation (RS) and tropospheric aerosols (AT), managing to transform the ELC into GOAC, with the mission of studying RS transfer processes in Cuba. I designed and implemented the rescue of 4 series of RS observations in Cuba of more than 30 years of extension. Using the rescued information, I directed and carried out several investigations including the determination of the presence of the phenomena of shielding (Dimming) and brightening (Brigthening) of the RS in Cuba and the Greater Caribbean. The promotion of international cooperation that began in the 1990s resulted in an official agreement between the UVA and INSMET to study the optical properties of ATs in Cuba. Since 2007 it guarantees solar photometry observations at GOAC, contributing to RIMA and AERONET. Eleven joint GOAC and GOA-UVA scientific articles have been published in peer-reviewed journals. These investigations, which I have led and scientifically advised, have resulted in the characterization of the optical and microphysical properties of surface aerosols in Camagüey, Cuba. I also led and executed validations of satellite observations and re-analysis of atmospheric parameters with observations from instruments on the surface, both from remote monitoring and from in situ measurements.