Researcher in the period 1992-2023
Publications (29) BONIFACIO SALVADOR GONZALEZ publications
Data envelopment analysis efficiency in the public sector using provider and customer opinion: An application to the Spanish health system
Health Care Management Science, Vol. 25, Núm. 2, pp. 333-346
Isotonic boosting classification rules
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, Vol. 15, Núm. 2, pp. 289-313
Data envelopment analysis with estimated output data: Confidence intervals efficiency
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, Vol. 152
Data envelopment analysis efficiency of public services: bootstrap simultaneous confidence region
Sort: Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, Vol. 43, Núm. 2, pp. 337-354
Data envelopment analysis in satisfaction survey research: Sample size problem
Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 69, Núm. 7, pp. 1096-1104
Classification of samples with order-restricted discriminant rules
Methods in Molecular Biology (Humana Press Inc.), pp. 159-174
Dawai: An R package for discriminant analysis with additional information
Journal of Statistical Software, Vol. 66, Núm. 10, pp. 1-19
Metodología muestral en encuestas de opinión de usuarios de servicios con atención pública
XXXIV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, VIII Jornadas de Estadística Pública: SEIO 2013. Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, septiembre 2013. Libro de actas
Performance and estimation of the true error rate of classification rules built with additional information. An application to a cancer trial
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, Vol. 12, Núm. 5, pp. 583-602
Classification of samples into two or more ordered populations with application to a cancer trial
Statistics in Medicine, Vol. 31, Núm. 28, pp. 3773-3786
Efficient incorporation of additional information to classification rules
Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization
Bayes discriminant rules with ordered predictors
Journal of Classification, Vol. 26, Núm. 2, pp. 201-225
Robustness of classification rules that incorporate additional information
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 52, Núm. 5, pp. 2489-2495
Incorporating additional information to normal linear discriminant rules
Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 101, Núm. 474, pp. 569-577
A classification rule for ordered exponential populations
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 135, Núm. 2, pp. 339-356
Bootstrap adjusted estimators in a restricted setting
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 107, Núm. 1-2, pp. 123-131
Parameter estimation under orthant restrictions
Canadian Journal of Statistics, Vol. 28, Núm. 1, pp. 171-181
The loss of efficiency estimating linear functions under restrictions
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Vol. 26, Núm. 4, pp. 579-592
Simultaneous estimation by isotonic regression
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 70, Núm. 1, pp. 111-119
A good property of the maximum likelihood estimator in a restricted normal model
Test, Vol. 6, Núm. 1, pp. 127-135