Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Sergio Saludes Rodil (6)


  1. Fault tolerance in the framework of support vector machines based model predictive control

    Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 23, Núm. 7, pp. 1127-1139


  1. Adaptive neural-based fault tolerant control for nonlinear systems

    IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)


  1. Control IMC no lineal tolerante a fallos

    Revista iberoamericana de automática e informática industrial ( RIAI ), Vol. 4, Núm. 2, pp. 52-63

  2. Fault tolerant SVM based nonlinear model predictive control

    2007 European Control Conference, ECC 2007


  1. Support vector based novelty detection for fault tolerant control

    Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, and the European Control Conference, CDC-ECC '05


  1. Fault tolerant fuzzy IMC control in a PH process

    European Control Conference, ECC 2003