QUILIANO ISAAC MORO SANCHO-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (9)


  1. BiosecurID: A multimodal biometric database

    Pattern Analysis and Applications, Vol. 13, Núm. 2, pp. 235-246


  1. Extracting the most discriminant subset from a pool of candidates to optimize discriminant classifier training

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

  2. Improving the competitiveness of discriminant neural networks in speaker verification

    EUROSPEECH 2003 - 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology

  3. MCYT baseline corpus: A bimodal biometric database

    IEE Proceedings: Vision, Image and Signal Processing, Vol. 150, Núm. 6, pp. 395-401

  4. Verificación biométrica mediante firma on-line basada en modelos ocultos de markov y redes neuronales

    IV Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática: JITEL 2003, Gran Canaria, 15 al 17 de septiembre de 2003


  1. A comparative study of MLP-based artificial neural networks in text- Independent speaker verification against GMM-based systems

    EUROSPEECH 2001 - SCANDINAVIA - 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology

  2. Applying constructive neural networks in speaker verification

    Artificial neural networks in pattern recognition (Imprenta Catedral), pp. 33-42

  3. Partial recurrents artificial neural networks applied to a multi step weather forecast on a horizon of 24 hours with local data

    Artificial neural networks in pattern recognition (Imprenta Catedral), pp. 51-58


  1. Remote access control by means of speech

    IEEE Annual International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Proceedings