Publikationen (10) Publikationen von CARMEN AINHOA ARROYO DOMINGO


  1. Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Patients with Associated Comorbidity

    Advances in experimental medicine and biology, Vol. 1384, pp. 43-61


  1. Automated analysis of unattended portable oximetry by means of Bayesian neural networks to assist in the diagnosis of sleep apnea

    2016 Global Medical Engineering Physics Exchanges/Pan American Health Care Exchanges, GMEPE/PAHCE 2016

  2. Multi-class adaboost to detect Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome severity from oximetry recordings obtained at home

    2016 Global Medical Engineering Physics Exchanges/Pan American Health Care Exchanges, GMEPE/PAHCE 2016


  1. Evaluación de un protocolo de screening de apnea del sueño basado en el análisis automático de la oximetría no supervisada

    Ingeniando la medicina del futuro: XXXIII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. CASEIB 2015. Libro de Actas


  1. Neumonía eosinófila crónica: a propósito de un caso

    Semergen: revista española de medicina de familia, Núm. 6, pp. 321-323