Publicaciones (75) Publicaciones de MARIA MONTSERRAT DIEZ MEDIAVILLA


  1. Evaluation of Angular Distribution Models to Estimate Sky Diffuse Irradiance on Tilted Planes in Urban Environments

    Proceedings of EuroSun 2022 - ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry

  2. Extension of PAR Models under Local All-Sky Conditions to Different Climatic Zones

    Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Vol. 12, Núm. 5

  3. Indoor Daylight Model for All Sky-Type Luminance Patterns

    XII National and III International Conference on Engineering Thermodynamics

  4. Machine Learning techniques for estimation of BIPVproduction

    XII National and III International Conference on Engineering Thermodynamics

  5. Optimización de la estrategia de seguimiento de seguidores solares a dos ejes en días cubiertos

    CIES 2022 - XVIII Congreso Ibérico y XIV Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar

  6. Propuesta de reagrupación de los tipos de cielo ISO/CIE mediante técnicas de aprendizaje supervisado

    CIES 2022 - XVIII Congreso Ibérico y XIV Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar

  7. Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance Characterization under All Sky Conditions in Burgos, Spain

    Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Vol. 12, Núm. 20