Aportaciones congreso (24) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. A multi-agent expert system for child abuse prevention

    Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ICAI 2010

  2. A novel method to analyze the foamability of polymer systems using in-situ optical expandometry and X-ray radioscopy

    Society of Plastics Engineers - FOAMS 2010, 8th International Conference on Foam Materials and Technology

  3. An apparatus based on a spherical resonator for measuring the speed of sound in gases and for determining the Boltzmann constant

    International Journal of Thermophysics

  4. Beta-glucan enriched products obtained from different barley milling fractions and their mixtures

    Chemical Engineering Transactions

  5. Creation of dynamic virtual organizations for child abuse prevention in the VO breeding environment context

    IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

  6. Definición de una metodología para la obtención del conocimiento científico e innovador generado dentro del sistema universitario en el contexto de la tercera misión

    CISCI 2010 - Novena Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernetica e Informatica, 7to Simposium Iberoamericano en Educacion, Cibernetica e Informatica, SIECI 2010 - Memorias

  7. Desarrollo de una plataforma multiagente para la creación de empresas virtuales dinámicas en el marco de los entornos de gestación

    Industrial engineering as university third mission agent: book of full papers

  8. Estudio de los efectos de la fermentación en barrica en la composición volátil de vinos blancos

    Trabajos presentados con motivo del VII Foro Mundial del Vino: [recurso electrónico]. Logroño, La Rioja, España, 12, 13, y 14 de mayo de 2010

  9. Fabrication and characterization of halogen-free flame retardant polyolefin foams

    Materials Science Forum

  10. Foaming behavior, structure and physical properties of a novel benzoxazine resin

    Society of Plastics Engineers - FOAMS 2010, 8th International Conference on Foam Materials and Technology

  11. Foaming of EVA/starch blends: Characterization of the structure, physical properties and biodegradability

    Society of Plastics Engineers - FOAMS 2010, 8th International Conference on Foam Materials and Technology

  12. Formulation of lavandin essential oil with biopolymers by PGSS for application as biocide in ecological agriculture

    Journal of Supercritical Fluids

  13. Heat transfer of mineral-filled polypropylene foams

    Defect and Diffusion Forum

  14. Improvement and automation of a single sinker densimeter for the determination of (p, ρ, T) properties of mixtures of gases related with biogas

    Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation, and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2010

  15. Improvement of PM duplex SS corrosion behaviour by postsintered heat treatment

    Proceedings of the World Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition, World PM 2010

  16. Improvement of mechanical properties of polyurethane composites: Recycled particles as fillers

    Society of Plastics Engineers - FOAMS 2010, 8th International Conference on Foam Materials and Technology

  17. LDPE silica nanocomposites: A system in which the nanoparticles play a multifunctional role

    Society of Plastics Engineers - FOAMS 2010, 8th International Conference on Foam Materials and Technology

  18. Modelling solvent free microwave extraction of lavandin super

    AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings

  19. Modification of the mechanical properties of polyurethane foams by using wastes of flexible polyurethane and sawdust as additives

    Society of Plastics Engineers - FOAMS 2010, 8th International Conference on Foam Materials and Technology

  20. Prevención ágil del maltrato infantil a través de modelos organizativos dinámicos y sistemas de software inteligentes

    CISCI 2010 - Novena Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernetica e Informatica, 7to Simposium Iberoamericano en Educacion, Cibernetica e Informatica, SIECI 2010 - Memorias