Economía artificialuna valoración crítica
- Segismundo Izquierdo 1
- Luis Izquierdo 2
- José Galán 2
- José Santos 2
Universidad de Valladolid
Universidad de Burgos
ISSN: 1886-516X
Year of publication: 2016
Volume: 22
Pages: 36-54
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de métodos cuantitativos para la economía y la empresa
Artificial Economics is one of the fastest growing approaches to analyse complex socio-economic systems. In this paper we present our views on the distinguishing features of Artificial Economics and on its relation with Theoretical Economics — the field that in our opinion lies closest to Artificial Economics. In this context, we discuss various reasons why conducting research on Artificial Economics may be worthwhile, and provide general guidelines on how to go about it. Our view is that Artificial Economics and Theoretical Economics share the same goals, do not differ conceptually as much as it is sometimes perceived, and their approaches are certainly complementary.
Funding information
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Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
- CSD2010-00034
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