Análisis socio-hermenéutico de los aspectos sociales relacionados con el Síndrome de Wolfram

  1. Juan Coca
  2. G Esteban Bueno
  3. A Soto
Enfermedades raras: Contribuciones a la investigación social y biomédica
  1. Juan R. Coca (coord.)

Editorial: CEASGA

ISBN: 978-84-949321-3-7

Ano de publicación: 2019

Páxinas: 99-113

Tipo: Capítulo de libro


The objective of this research is to analyze the social reality of families affected by Wolfram’s Syndrome. Qualitative research based on online interviews is carried out. The analysis is socio-hermeneutics and comprehensive. The isolation to which the families are subjected and the social problems they suffer are proved. Finally, the situation of social marginalization lived by those affected is notorious.