Maximising embryo production in endangered sheep breeds: In vitro procedures that complement in vivo techniques

  1. Forcada, F.
  2. Buffoni, A.
  3. Abecia, J.A.
  4. Asenjo, B.
  5. Palacín, I.
  6. Vázquez, M.I.
  7. Rodríguez-Castillo, J.C.
  8. Sánchez-Prieto, L.
  9. Casao, A.
Journal of Applied Animal Research

ISSN: 0974-1844 0971-2119

Année de publication: 2011

Volumen: 39

Número: 4

Pages: 412-417

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1080/09712119.2011.622929 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor

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