Study of the autohydrolysis pretreatment of secondary sludge and its influence on the anaerobic digestion

  1. Carvajal Guevara, Andrea del Rosario
Supervised by:
  1. María del Mar Peña Miranda Director

Defence university: Universidad de Valladolid

Fecha de defensa: 19 July 2012

  1. Fernando Fernández-Polanco Chair
  2. Victorino Díez Blanco Secretary
  3. Josep Font Capafons Committee member
  4. Paloma Grau Gumbau Committee member
  5. Xavier Font Segura Committee member

Type: Thesis


ABSTRACT Literary competency in early childhood education: didactic strategies and literary materials as development factors This doctoral dissertation is especially relevant for Mexico and other regions because it is based on the aspiration of developing literary competency in the preschool classrooms through literary reading for pleasure. It intends to increase the quality of school culture in general and literary quality in particular by contributing to the understanding and development of knowledge, attitudes and skills, that is, competencies, not only in the area of language and communication but also in other areas of knowledge. We intended to learn what role is played by literary material and didactic strategies in the development of literary competency in preschool boys and girls and if there is any relationship with the gap found between conventional reading and the pleasure of reading.