A computationel model for the construction of knowledge-based collaborative learning distribuited applications

  1. Caballé, Santi
Dirigida por:
  1. Atanasi Daradoumis Haralabus Director/a
  2. Fatos Xhafa Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Fecha de defensa: 17 de agosto de 2008

  1. Jerry Feldman Presidente/a
  2. Josep Jorba Esteve Secretario/a
  3. Ioannis Dimitriadis Damoulis Vocal
  4. Ángel Alejandro Juan Pérez Vocal
  5. Ajith Abraham Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 191241 DIALNET


An important research topic in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) is to explore the importance of efficient management of event information generated from group activity in collaborative learning practices for its further use in extracting and providing knowledge on interaction behavior, This view is especially relevant in the current shifting from a traditional educational paradigm (centered in the figure of a masterful instructor) to an emergent educational paradigm which considers students as active and central actors in their learning process. In this new scenario, students learn, with the help of instructors, technology and other students, what they will potentially need in order to develop their future academic or professional activities. The essential issue here is first how to design a CSCL platform that can be used for real, long-term, complex collaborative problemsolving situations and which enables the instructor to both analyze group interaction effectively and provide an adequate support when needed. Secondly, how to extract relevant knowledge from collaboration in order to provide learners with efficient awareness and feedback as regards individual and group performance and assessment. The achievement of these tasks involve the design of a conceptual framework of collaborative learning interaction that structures and classifies the information generated in a collaborative application at several levels of description. Computational models are then to realize this conceptual approach for an efficient management of the knowledge produced by the individual and group activity as well as the possibility of exploiting this knowledge further as a metacognitivetool for real-time coaching and regulating the collaborative learning process. In addition, CSCL needs have been evolving over the last years accordingly with more and more demanding pedagogical and technological requirements. On-line collaborative learning environments no longer depend on homogeneous groups, static content and resources, and single pedagogies, but high customization and flexibility are a must in this context. As a result, current educational organizations' needs involve extending and moving to highly customized learning and teaching forms in timely fashion, each incorporating its own pedagogical approach, each targeting a specific learning goal, and each incorporating its specific resources. Organizations' demands also include cost-effective integration of legacy and separated learning systems, from different institutions, departments and courses, which are implemented in different languages, supported by heterogeneous platforms and distributed everywhere, to name some of them. These entire issues certainly represent a great challenge for current and future research in this field. Therefore, further efforts need to be made that help developers, technologists and pedagogists overcome the demanding requirements currently found in the CSCL domain as well as provide modern educational organizations with fast, flexible and effective solutions for the enhancement and improvement of the collaborative learning performance and outcomes. This thesis proposes a first step toward these goals.