El docente como metahermeneuta: hacia una phrónesis didáctico-interpretativa en la profesión educativa

  1. Francisco José Francisco Carrera
  2. Raquel García Sanz
An approach to society and education from hermeneutics
  1. Francisco José Francisco Carrera (coord.)
  2. Iván Bueno Ruiz (coord.)

Editorial: CEASGA

ISBN: 978-84-945128-6-5

Año de publicación: 2018

Páginas: 37-61

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


Education is more than ever before a complex realm for the people who want to devote their lives to it. Teaching has become a very specialized profession and therefore it would be convenient to gather new resources from hermeneutics, the subtle discipline which concerns the interpretation of texts. By doing so, the teacher as a meta-interpreter is proposed in the following pages since he or she has to be able to properly read the class from different levels of inclusion and observation. Only by properly reading and interpreting the educative act, will the teachers be able to take the necessary actions in order to improve teaching itself and by doing so the lives of their students within an educative context.