Experiencia del balance de competencias con “parad@s en movimiento"

  1. Luis Carro Sancristóbal
  2. Sandra Domínguez Pulido
  3. Natalia López-Angulo Martín
Orientación y calidad educativa universitarias
  1. Pedro Allueva Torres (coord.)

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Zaragoza

ISBN: 978-84-16723-62-1

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 683-693

Congress: Congreso Internacional de Orientación Universitaria (CIOU) (2018. 1. Zaragoza)

Type: Conference paper


This article makes a general exploration about the forecast of future employment because of the technification and automation of jobs and how people older than 45 years old are living this situation. In consequence of the labor transformations, there are some profiles of people didn`t cope with digital unemployment, as is the case of long-term unemployed and older than 45 years old. In this line, Observal (from the University of Valladolid) offers a guidance career service through the Balance of Competences (BdC), to help people to face the changes that become. BdC Center is pioneer in introducing this guidance service in Spain. During this article, it self presents the intervention model of the BdC with adults older than 45 years old, long-term unemployed and low qualification, as a permanent service since 2014. This experience emerges expectant and positive results that have driven the continuous development and improvement of the service, until reaching the European Quality Seal (audited by FECBOP) and it`s extension to new BdC initiatives in other institutions.