Evaluación de impactos ambientales bióticos en la industria química mediante uso de software libre
- Fernando Gutiérrez-Martín
- Antonio Nieto-Márquez
- Evangelina Atanes
- Mercedes Ruiz-Pastrana
ISSN: 0718-5006
Year of publication: 2014
Volume: 7
Issue: 1
Pages: 3-12
Type: Article
More publications in: Formación Universitaria
The methodological aspects required for evaluating the risks associated to the synthesis of chemical products is presented. The study is part of the efforts done at the universities Polytechnic of Madrid and of Valladolid in Spain. Chemical risk assessment, such as estimating the inputs of contaminants, their environmental fates and impact indexes, are presented. These concepts are illustrated by means of a case study where the biotic impacts from alternative reaction pathways to produce 1-naftil-metilcarbamato are analyzed using the EPI Suite and Mackay Level III software, together with proper databases. Its relevance in higher education is mainly related to the use of systematic criteria based in chemistry and environmental valuations. It is concluded that the use of the method and program described are valuable tools to interpret biotic impact both during the professional formation and during the professional life.
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