Cambio tecnológico, globalización neoliberal y hegemonías metodológicas en la investigación comunicativa internacional

  1. Ángel Carrasco-Campos
  2. Enric Saperas Lapiedra
Ambitos: Revista internacional de comunicación

ISSN: 1988-5733 1139-1979

Année de publication: 2016

Número: 32

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12795/AMBITOS.2016.I32.06 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openIdus editor

D'autres publications dans: Ambitos: Revista internacional de comunicación


This paper analyses a third adulthood of media research, which begins in the late twentieth century with the fall of the Berlin Wall, the consolidation of audio-visual culture, and the technological change developed by the Internet. It describes and contextualizes the epistemological shift in current media research through a review of its basic texts, dominant theories, and main institutional actors. As a conclusion, it identifies four traits: (i) instrumental use of theory, (ii) international institutionalization of a dominant research canon, (iii) trend towards a quantitative empiricism, and (iv) the advance of scientific knowledge by replicating, comparing and accumulating data.

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