Conocimientos y creencias del profesorado y su vínculo con las finalidades de la enseñanza de la historia reciente. La transición a la democracia en España como caso controvertido
- Rosendo Martínez-Rodríguez 1
- Carlos Muñoz Labraña 2
- María Sánchez-Agustí 1
Universidad de Valladolid
Universidad de Concepción
ISSN: 0034-8082
Year of publication: 2019
Issue: 383
Pages: 11-36
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de educación
Related Projects
This paper considers the link between the knowledge and beliefs of history teachers and their views on the aims and purpose of education, with reference to a controversial period in recent history: the transition from dictatorship to democracy in Spain. For this study, qualitative research was undertaken using interviews with 39 secondary school teachers, grouping their interpretations into three types of thinking: positive-mythical, positive-critical and negativecritical. The results show that most teachers expressed some kind of critical interpretation by developing a complex thinking of historical argumentation and analysis. The age variable age did not show remarkable results, but differences were observed with respect to the geographical variable, predominating the critical-negative view in regions where independence movements are developed. However, in relation to the purposes of history teaching, we find an important distance between the ideal discourse and the concrete examples with which they argue their position. That is, many of the teachers with a conception of critical history and connected with the present, found the value of their teaching in an exemplary and closed story of the past, rarely interpretive or critical.
Funding information
Esta investigación forma parte de un proyecto de investigación financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad en su Plan Nacional de Investigación (2010-2014), Reference: EDU 2009-09775.Funders
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
- EDU 2009-09775
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