Antropología y Educaciónlas percepciones sensoriomotoras y la empatía hacia los animales como estrategias de convivencia intercultural en la etapa de educación infantil

  1. APARICIO GERVÁS, Jesús María 1
  2. CANO HERRERA, Mercedes 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Valladolid

    Universidad de Valladolid

    Valladolid, España


REA. Revista euroamericana de antropología

ISSN: 2387-1555

Year of publication: 2018

Issue Title: Antropología y Educación

Issue: 6

Pages: 11-20

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14201/REA201861120 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: REA. Revista euroamericana de antropología


Anthropology must be present in the earliest moments of the formation of the person. We are referring to the stage of Early Childhood Education. Certainly, the psycho-evolutionary process of the child of these ages prevents him from deepening in the analysis of the reality of the social environment that surrounds him, so he will have to rely on strategies and educational resources, which will prepare and shape the pillars that forge the development of your future personality. The objective that we propose is to penetrate in «heir world« and from there, build the values and attitudes that provide the genesis of coexistence processes. Undoubtedly, we are referring to the incorporation in their formative process, through the analysis and learning, of own concepts of Intercultural Education, obviously, adapted to their psychoevolutive stage. It will therefore be from these early years, from where we begin in child learning to discriminate (to later analyze), to differentiate between the different parts of a whole, to work collaboratively, to peacefully resolve conflicts, to respect, to share, to be tolerant and supportive, to eliminate any type of discrimination, inequality or violence, namely to be part of a group ..., in short, values that they construct the identity of a good citizen who lives in coexistence with other living beings and their environment ; that is, the assimilation of the concepts that then we will define more precisely, such as identity, intraculturality, interculturality, multiculturalism and transculturality, within the field of knowledge of Anthropology. Obviously, this acquisition of values, should go hand in hand with the application of an educational model that is not obsolete and ineffective, so we propose the application of educational innovation projects, which supported in an anthropological conceptualization, provide the necessary mechanisms to build a model of person who live together harmoniously with the rest of living beings with those who share the environment that surrounds them. To achieve this objective, it is essential to the complementary and transversal action of Anthropology and Education.

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