La transmisión de los “Secretos de mujeres”: de Salerno al siglo XIV

  1. Victoria Recio Muñoz
  2. Ana Isabel Martín Ferreira
Ágora: estudos clássicos em debate

ISSN: 0874-5498

Ano de publicación: 2019

Número: 21

Páxinas: 199-222

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Ágora: estudos clássicos em debate


Books about “secrets”, which hint at the revelation of the mysteries of nature, became popular during the Middle Ages, particularly those pertaining to medicine. Espe-cially widespread were books of women’s secrets, halfway between theoretical and practi-cal medicine. This paper analyzes the modes of transmission of these female mysteries, which have always been subjected to taboo. They arose from Arabic translations, were influenced by popular medicine, were written down by the Salernitan authors and finally were added to 14th-century compendia.

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