Estudiantes universitarios descubren redes sociales y edublog como medio de aprendizaje

  1. González Hernando, Carolina 1
  2. Valdivieso-León, Lorena 1
  3. Velasco González, Verónica 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Valladolid

    Universidad de Valladolid

    Valladolid, España


RIED: revista iberoamericana de educación a distancia

ISSN: 1138-2783

Datum der Publikation: 2020

Titel der Ausgabe: Monográfico. Aprendizaje-Servicio y tecnologías digitales: Un desafío para los espacios virtuales de aprendizaje

Ausgabe: 23

Nummer: 1

Seiten: 223-239

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.5944/RIED.23.1.24213 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen Access editor

Andere Publikationen in: RIED: revista iberoamericana de educación a distancia


Among the challenges considered easy to address according to the NMC Horizon Report 2018 are digital literacy and the combination of formal and informal learning. The university students belong mostly to the Millennials and Z generations, and they are supposed to have a greater capacity for self-learning from the Internet. The aim is intended to identify the profile of internet use by digital native nursing students and degree of satisfaction generated by the use of an educational blog. An anonymous and voluntary questionnaire was administered to 1st and 2nd year students of the Degree in Nursing of the University of Valladolid during the 2017-18 academic year. It is a descriptive cross-sectional study. 91,6% (n = 225) of the enrolled students participated. 74,7% did not know LinkedIn. Google+ was the most widely-used academic tool, followed by Twitter. More than 80% had mid-level knowledge of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Moodle. The advanced knowledge possessed about Instagram stands out. 48% had no or low knowledge about using blogs. The satisfaction of the students who used this educational blog Edublog Enfermería earned an overall score of 8,04 (±1,37) out of 10. Students use social networks as a means of communication and not for academic purposes. The scarce knowledge about the use of blogs and the high satisfaction reported about their use indicates the need to strengthen these tools. Blogs and social networks can be useful to provide digital to nursing students achieving continuous and updated learning.

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