Análisis–diagnóstico de la Educación para el Desarrollo en contextos escolares rurales de un grupo de países europeos

  1. Judith Quintano Nieto
  2. Sonia Ortega Gaite
  3. María Tejedor Mardomingo
  4. Elena Ruiz Ruiz
Revista de fomento social

ISSN: 0015-6043 2695-6462

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 295

Pages: 265-284

Type: Article

DOI: 10.32418/RFS.2019.295.1549 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista de fomento social

Sustainable development goals


As part of a larger research effort this work is limited to the European Strategy for Development Education. The aim of the project has been to advocate for a change of attitude towards sustainable development in a broad sense which might lead to improvement in the quality and effectiveness of Education for Development actions in the rural environ-ment, and generate a participatory model of education that takes into account the causes which generate inequality and transmits more supportive and cooperative values. The data, collected by means of a question-naire, allows us to portray the type of edu-cational practices carried out in compulsory education centres in rural areas located in different regions belonging to the seven Eu-ropean countries involved in the project, and nalyse the presence and characteristics of this type of actions as well as their inclusion in the educational curriculum.After carrying out the diagnostic analysis, the working group has elaborated an agenda with action proposals around the institutional-ization of Education for Development, teacher training, transversal and interdisciplinary innovation projects and the development of a theoretical model that justifies these actions

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