Impacto de la hipoacusia unilateral en el desarrollo del lenguaje

  1. Rosa Belén Santiago-Pardo
  2. Ángel Luis Sánchez-Rosso
  3. Sara Peribáñez-Giraldo
  4. José Ignacio Benito-Orejas
Revista de logopedia, foniatría y audiología

ISSN: 0214-4603

Datum der Publikation: 2021

Ausgabe: 41

Nummer: 2

Seiten: 93-104

Art: Artikel


Andere Publikationen in: Revista de logopedia, foniatría y audiología

Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung


Background and objective Even if apparently unilateral hearing loss (UHL) goes unnoticed, it has been known for 40 years that its presence leads to academic and behavioural problems. Due to the shortage of published studies and the variability of the results, our purpose is to evaluate the impact of this condition by making a formal study of language in children with UHL, analysing predisposing factors and including the parents’ point of view. Methods A group of 16 children between 3 to 15 years old were selected; all had an early diagnosis of prelingual UHL, with a variability in grade and type. Several language tests have been applied: “EMLE”, “EDAF”, “PLON-R/BLOC-SR” and “Evaluación Fonológica del habla infantil” (Laura Bosch). In addition, we obtained the parents’ opinion about the impact on their children's language development with UHL, through an ad hoc questionnaire. Results Regardless of the impaired ear, the grade and type of UHL, the global development of language showed a normal range, which improved with age and possibly depends on the socio-educational level of the family. The main alterations were found in morphosyntax. In profound UHL, the outcome in the phonological registry and in reading and writing are lower than in the other categories. According to the parental questionnaire responses, more educational and speech language support is required and some behavioural changes were also detected, mostly at school. Conclusions Only a few language alterations were detected; we realize that parents do not attach much importance to this deficit. Although the impact of UHL on the development of a specific child cannot be determined, for prevention information is essential on possible consequences, as well as early detection of any variation through close monitoring, speech and hearing therapy.

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