El impacto de las vanguardias artísticas sobre la cultura contemporáneaGuy Debord y los situacionistas. En las raíces de la postmodernidad
- Arranz Guilarte, Marina
- Enrique Ignacio Gavilán Domínguez Director
Defence university: Universidad de Valladolid
Fecha de defensa: 22 October 2021
- María Isabel del Val Valdivieso Chair
- Carmen Peña Ardid Secretary
- Salvador Rubio Marco Committee member
Type: Thesis
Guy Debord’s work is a melting pot of several key elements of European XX century thought and culture: artistic avant-gardes, unorthodox Marxism and the erosion of the values of Modernity. Regarding artistic avant-gardes, Debord is initially inspired by them and then, he rejects them by defending the erosion of the limits between art and society, a key assumption of Romanticism, that is brought back to life with the situationists. Concerning the unorthodox Marxism, Debord original aspect is based in his association of the spectacle and the merchandise and the consequent merchandise fetichism, at the heart of the postmodern society, which Debord names the society of the spectacle. Regarding the questioning and erosion of the values of Modernity, the origin is the philosophy of Frankfurt School. This stream of thought materialized in May 1968, which is considered the turning point in the change of society model. Together with the negative evaluation of Modernity, several attempts of re-restructuring thought and culture arise, which run into postmodernity. Postmodernity is a heterogeneous blend which roots, among other factors, in Debord’s thought and political-artistic activity.