Producción de embriones in vivo en ovejas de raza Ojalada sometidas a un tratamiento simplificado de super ovulación durante dos años consecutivos

  1. I. Palacín 1
  2. F. Forcada 1
  3. J.A. Abecia 1
  4. I. Vázquez 1
  5. J.L. Calvo 2
  6. B. Asenjo 2
  1. 1 Facultad de Veterinaria . Universidad de Zaragoza
  2. 2 Escuela Universitaria de Ingenierías Agrarias de Soria
XXXV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia (SEOC)
  1. Luis Rodríguez Ruiz (coord.)
  2. Juan Antonio Olmedo Olmedo (coord.)
  3. Sara Olmedo de la Cruz (coord.)
  4. Luis Fernando de la Fuente Crespo (coord.)
  5. Ana Belén Martín Diana (coord.)
  6. María Cristina León Cofreces (coord.)
  7. Elena Ordás Alesanco (coord.)
  8. Mariano Herrera García (dir. congr.)

Publisher: Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y León ; Junta de Castilla y León

ISBN: 978-84-938243-0-3

Year of publication: 2010

Pages: 178-181

Congress: Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia (SEOC). Jornadas (35. 2010. Valladolid)

Type: Conference paper


The effect of a repeated superovulation with a simplified treatment (single injection of 210 IU FSH +500 IU of eCG) on the in vivo production of embryos was studied in Ojalada ewes during two consecutiveseasons (Sep 2008-Mar 2009, n = 19; Sep 2009-Mar 2010, n = 36). Results showed a significant effectof the year on the different parameters analyzed, the response to treatment being better in thesecond season of study. Within seasons, the process seemed to be less efficient after the second andthird treatments, in particular during the first season. In spite of the high variability of the studied parameters,a total of 11.4 and 18.9 freezable embryos per ewe were obtained consecutive to the 3 superovulatorytreatments during the first and second seasons, respectively. These results seem toconfirm the efficacy of the simplified treatment as an alternative to other FSH multiple injections superovulationprotocols in sheep.