Málaga, dibujos de ciudad y paisaje hasta 1850

  1. Ruiz Padrón, Luis
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Gámiz Gordo Director

Defence university: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 21 January 2016

  1. Juan Manuel Báez Mezquita Chair
  2. María del Mar Loren Méndez Secretary
  3. Antonio Orihuela Uzal Committee member
  4. Federico Arévalo Rodríguez Committee member
  5. Rafael Manzano Martos Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 397731 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


Current research on landscape in historic cities must analyze their changes and evolution, covering perceptual issues that often go beyond the limits of its urban boundaries. In this sense, contemplation of the landscape over time must transcend mere nostalgia, to deepen the study as a sign of identity that must balance the social, economic and urban progress with heritage conservation. The city of Malaga has experienced major changes in its history that sometimes make it difficult to be understood and its landscape to be enjoyed. This thesis deals with the knowledge of these changes through its graphic documentary sources on a broad time period, from its first images from the sixteenth century to the advent of photography in the mid-nineteenth century. Thus, the objectives of this thesis focused first on the collection of all kinds of images, and then on assessing its documentary interest, considering its context, comparing them with each other or with the current reality. The supplied drawings, which have been here analyzed as a whole for the first time, reflect the view of many different characters that are presented in chronological order. In a first group from the 16th century, symbolic city views and the panoramas by Wyngaerde and the one published at Civitates Orbis Terrarum are included. A second group includes many drawings from the 17th and 18th centuries, like the ones by Texeira, Beckman, Oviedo, Carter, Swinburne, among others. The third involves the fruitful first half of the 19th century, with views by Gell, Laborde, Roberts, Vivian, Dauzats, Chapuy, d'Hastrel, Parcerisa, Tenison, Guesdon, Deroy and some local lithographers, concluding with the first daguerreotype of Malaga. After a brief presentation of each author and his drawings, their vantage points are located, the span of the visual arches measured. Through the set of drawings, some visual relationships that are important for understanding the city and its landscape have been revealed, some of which have vanished nowadays. In addition, many urban elements demolished, altered or preserved have been identified. Finally, the main historical viewpoints have been listed, and the different images have been related with the same scenarios in different times. A proposal for graphic documentation of the most important assets of the city is also outlined.