Comunicación para la salud a través de TikTokEstudio de influencers de temática farmacéutica y conexión con su audiencia
ISSN: 1989-872X
Any de publicació: 2023
Volum: 14
Número: 1
Pàgines: 83-98
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación: Mediterranean Journal of Communication
Projectes relacionats
The consolidation of TikTok as a platform aimed at mere entertainment has not limited the informative efforts of professionals from very different fields who have found an opportunity to share rigorous, useful and demystifying knowledge on this social network (Guiñez-Cabrera, & Mansilla-Obando, 2022; Yalamanchili et al., 2022). Through a methodology based on content analysis, the publications and reactions of the main pharmaceutical-themed profiles on TikTok are examined, delving into the communication resources, interaction strategies and topics with which they connect with their audience. The results reveal that, unlike other digital spaces, which are more prone to tension and confrontation, pharmaceutical influencers can openly expose their experience and professional opinion, and also demonstrate their mastery of the technical resources offered by TikTok to create informative videos about health. The use of a close language and away from technicalities, added to a natural tone and with a certain dose of humour, represent its hallmarks and the key to its good reception by an audience that responds (79,696 comments analysed) assertively, raising doubts, recounting their own experiences and, above all, expressing support for the theses defended by the professional. Faced with a topic of general interest such as health, every effort to use the communication tools and codes of the young population contributes to integrating them into the new dissemination channels.
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