Model-Based Diagnosis Test for Condition-Based Maintenance of Electrical High Power Switches
Universidad de Valladolid
ISSN: 1474-6670
Year of publication: 1997
Volume: 30
Issue: 18
Pages: 931-936
Type: Article
More publications in: IFAC Proceedings Volumes
This paper describes a new test used in switch maintenance. The electrical distribution systems must be highly reliable. An endless supply must be assured, so the electrical switchgear maintenance requires high priority. The switches themselves are not the most important pieces of the distribution system but they must protect, or prevent damage of other components such as transformers.We propose a new electric test for these switchgears. The test is based on the analysis of the transient response of the switch to controlled cut-offs. Familiarisation with the switch-model allows to apply to a model-based diagnosis, but complete model of those systems are quite difficult to obtain. The implementation of the test will reduce the maintenance cost by the use of a condition-based maintenance of the switch.
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