La percepción del cortometraje en españa

unter der Leitung von:
  1. Angel Carrasco Campos Doktorvater
  2. Luis Deltell Escolar Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 01 von März von 2022

  1. Norberto Mínguez Arranz Präsident/in
  2. Víctor Cerdán Martínez Sekretär/in
  3. Enric Saperas Lapiedra Vocal
  4. Mercedes Miguel Borrás Vocal
  5. Florencia Claes Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 733860 DIALNET


In this research we have approached as an object of study a subject that has been little analysed from the point of view of scientific methodology: the perception of short films in Spain. In our case, we have focused on the agents involved in its creation and exhibition.The short film is important in both artistic and educational levels. It is the first step for many film-makers and it also takes a crucial part in our country's film universities and schools' curriculum. The relationship between the short film and the film-makers is diverse: some of them use it as a way to get to the long film while others keep it as a meaningful format all along their career.In order to understand the short film perception, we have created three different groups of study. On one hand, we have the creators. For this group we deeply interviewed forty short films directors, scriptwriters and producers. They are the agents in charge of the work and take all the responsibility for it. With a view to include the widest professional variety we could, we created four subgroups: short film makers, renowned creator that come back to the short film, renowned creator that quit the short film and young creators.On the other hand, we created a questionnaire for the Audiovisual Communication and/or Film students, from both public and private schools. They are also the creators of countless works each year and they are the present and future of the short film in Spain. We got 741 students' answers from the main film schools and universities in Spain...