Modalidades hagiográficas : comedias de Juan Pérez de Montalbán (1601-1638) y atribuidas

Supervised by:
  1. Esther Borrego Gutiérrez Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 07 April 2022

  1. Javier Huerta Calvo Chair
  2. Guillermo Gómez Sánchez-Ferrer Secretary
  3. Carlos Mata Induráin Committee member
  4. Claudia Demattè Committee member
  5. Germán Vega García-Luengos Committee member

Type: Thesis


The fundamental advances in the field of the theater of the Golden Age that have taken place in the last decades of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century have led to the comedy of saints becoming a habitual field of work within the golden critique. In contrast to the copious bibliography that circulates on hagiographic theater by playwrights such as Lope de Vega or Calderón de la Barca, the one originating around Juan Pérez de Montalbán (1601-1638) does not seem to have attracted much attention.The main objective of the proposed doctoral thesis is to present a detailed analysis of the hagiographic varieties present in the comedies of certain saints and attributed to the writer from Madrid, Juan Pérez de Montalbán. This playwright was the son of a famous bookseller Alonso Pérez and a favorite disciple of the Fénix de los Ingenios, as Lope declares in numerous dedications and preliminaries to his copious literary production. All of this allowed Montalbán to be in direct contact with the cultural reality of the first half of the 17th century, the famous period of Madrid's theater of the Golden Age, ever since his childhood. Although he devoted part of his literary production to the writing of narrative works ─Sucesos y prodigios de amor en ocho novelas ejemplares and Vida y purgatorio de San Patricio─, poems ─Orfeo en lengua castellana─ and sundries ─Para todos─, he distinguished as a playwright...