Análisis de la formación teórica de los residentes de Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria

  1. Lidia Hernández Crespo 1
  2. Raquel Simón Macho 1
  3. Cristina Dueña Chamarro 1
  1. 1 Centro de Salud Circunvalación, Gerencia de Atención Primaria de Valladolid Este
RqR Enfermería Comunitaria

ISSN: 2254-8270

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Alea: 9

Zenbakia: 2

Orrialdeak: 19-29

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: RqR Enfermería Comunitaria


Theoretical training related to the specialty of Family and Community Nursing presents a great diversity. This variability does not favor the homogeneous nature of the specialized training necessary to train quality professionals.Objective: To describe the current situation of the theoretical training of F&CN residents in Spain.Material and Methods: a descriptive study consisting of two parts was carried out. On the one hand, an ad hoc questionnaire was sent by email to the Multidisciplinary Family and Community Care Teaching Units (TU) that offered resident vacancies in the 2018 summon to collect information on the characteristics of theoretical training. On the other hand, the Formative Itinerary Guides for Family and Community Nursing of the different Teaching Units were reviewed.Results: 22 questionnaires were received answered. Half of the TUs carried out between 100 and 200 hours of theoretical training and 41% do more than 200. 86% of the TUs carried out training activities exclusively for F&CN residents. This training was delivered mainly by experts, members of the TU and tutors. Only three TU had an economic item destined to the training activities of the F&CN residents.35 Training Itinerary Guide were reviewed, where the largest number of hours and training activities are devoted to clinical skills, followed by research skills.Conclusions: The training of F&CN residents in Spain is a field hardly studied. Knowing how the training of these residents is organized in the different Teaching Units can mean new opportunities for improvement.

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