Soil profile, climatic, physiographic, overstory and understory data in mixed and monospecific plots of Pinus sylvestris and Pinus pinaster in Spain

  1. Marcos, Daphne López 1
  2. Turrión, María-Belén 1
  3. Bravo, Felipe 2
  4. Martínez-Ruiz, Carolina 1
  1. 1 Dpto. de Ciencias Agroforestales, E.T.S. de Ingenierías Agrarias, Universidad de Valladolid, Campus La Yutera, Avda. Madrid 50, 34071, Palencia (Spain)
  2. 2 Dpto. de Producción Vegetal y Recursos Forestales, E.T.S. de Ingenierías Agrarias, Universidad de Valladolid, Campus La Yutera, Avda. Madrid 50, 34071, Palencia (Spain)

Editor: Zenodo

Ano de publicación: 2020

Tipo: Dataset


This dataset provides valuable environmental information about a triplets’ essay of Scots pine and Maritime pine in Spain. The data characterizes the soil profile (physicochemical parameters of organic and mineral horizons), climate, physiography, understory and overstory. The essay, located in North-Central Spain, consists of eighteen forest plots divided in six triplets. Each triplet includes three circular plots of 15 m-radius located less than 1 km from each other: two monospecific plots dominated by <em>P. sylvestris</em> or <em>P. pinaster</em>, and one mixed plot of both species. In each plot, one pit up to 50 cm depth, one 15 m-radius overstory features inventory and ten understory 1x1 m inventories were carried out. Additionally, physiographic and climatic variables were collected per plot. The file contains information about the 215 environmental variables studied in the eighteen forest plots. Triplet: Triplet to which the plot belongs(1: Triplet 1; 2: Triplet 2; 3: Triplet 3; 4: Triplet 4; 5: Triplet 5; 6: Triplet 6). Stand_type: Type of stand (PS: monospecific stand of <em>Pinus sylvestris</em> L.; PP: monospecific stand of <em>Pinus pinaster</em> Ait.; MM: mixed stand of <em>Pinus sylvestris</em> L.and <em>Pinus pinaster</em> Ait.). Plot: Plot identification (PS01: monospecific stand of <em>Pinus sylvestris</em> L. of triplet 1; PS02: monospecific stand of <em>Pinus sylvestris</em> L. of triplet 2; PS03: monospecific stand of <em>Pinus sylvestris</em> L. of triplet 3; PS04: monospecific stand of <em>Pinus sylvestris</em> L. of triplet 4; PS05: monospecific stand of <em>Pinus sylvestris</em> L. of triplet 5; PS06: monospecific stand of <em>Pinus sylvestris</em> L. of triplet 6; MM01: mixed stand of <em>Pinus sylvestris</em> L.and <em>Pinus pinaster</em> Ait. of triplet 1; MM02: mixed stand of <em>Pinus sylvestris </em>L.and <em>Pinus pinaster</em> Ait. of triplet 2; MM03: mixed stand of <em>Pinus sylvestris</em> L.and <em>Pinus pinaster</em> Ait. of triplet 3; MM04: mixed stand of <em>Pinus sylvestris</em> L.and <em>Pinus pinaster</em> Ait. of triplet 4; MM05: mixed stand of <em>Pinus sylvestris </em>L.and <em>Pinus pinaster</em> Ait. of triplet 5; MM06: mixed stand of <em>Pinus sylvestris </em>L.and <em>Pinus pinaster Ait</em>. of triplet 6; PP01: monospecific stand of <em>Pinus pinaster</em> Ait. of triplet 1; PP02: monospecific stand of <em>Pinus pinaster</em> Ait. of triplet 2; PP03: monospecific stand of <em>Pinus pinaster </em>Ait. of triplet 3; PP04: monospecific stand of <em>Pinus pinaster</em> Ait. of triplet 4; PP05: monospecific stand of <em>Pinus pinaster</em> Ait. of triplet 5; PP06: monospecific stand of<em> Pinus pinaster </em>Ait. of triplet 6). Lat: Plot latitude in degrees. Long: Plot longitude in degrees. Province: Province to which the plot belongs (B:Province of Burgos; Sp: Province of Soria). Municipality: Municipality to which the plot belongs (M: Town of Mamolar; HP: Town of Hontoria del Pinar; N: Town of Navaleno; St: Town of Soria; CP: Town of Cabrejas del Pinar). Forest: Name of the forest where is located the plot (MB: Mata Blanca; MR: Mata Robledo; FP: Fuente del Pardo; PM: Pajar de la molinera; MP: Mojon Pardo; CM: Cueva de Matarubias). Alti: Plot elevation above sea level in m a.s.l. Slope: Slope (gradient) of the plot in percentage. Ori: Plot orientation in degrees. Clim: Climate clasification acording to Köppen classification (1936) (Cfb: Temperate without dry season and temperate summer climate; Csb: Temperate with dry summer climate). XR: Accumulated rainfall in one year according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in mm. JR: January rainfall according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ mm FR: February rainfall according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in mm. MR: March rainfall according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in mm. AR: April rainfall according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in mm. MyR: May rainfall according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in mm. JnR: June rainfall according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in mm. JlR: July rainfall according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in mm. AgR: August rainfall according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in mm. SR: September rainfall according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in mm. OR: October rainfall according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in mm. NR: November rainfall according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in mm. DR: December rainfall according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in mm. XT: Anual mean temperature according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in ºC. JT: January temperature according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in ºC. FT: February temperature according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in ºC. MT: March temperature according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in ºC. AT: April temperature according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in ºC. MyT: May temperature according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in ºC. JnT: June temperature according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in ºC. JlT: July temperature according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in ºC. AgT: August temperature according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in ºC. ST: September temperature according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in ºC. OT: October temperature according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in ºC. NT: November temperature according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in ºC. DT: December temperature according to ‘Atlas Agroclimático de Castilla y León-ITACYL-AEMET’ in ºC. Par_mat: Soil parental material according to Spanish Geological Map on a 1M scale. (IGME , 2015) (SM: Sandstones and Marls). Geo_age: Geological age of plot according to Spanish Geological Map on a 1M scale. (IGME, 2015) (Mz: Mesozoic age). Soil: Soil type according to Soil-Survey-Staff (2014) (TpDx: Typic Dystroxerept; TpHx:: Typic Humixerept; AqHx:: Aquic humixerept) Litter_B: Total Leaf Litter Biomass in Mg/ha. FF_Th: Forest floor Thickness in cm. Fsh: Percentage of Fresh to Total Leaf Litter in %. Frg: Percentage of Fragmented to Total Leaf Litter in %. Hmf: Percentage of Humified to Total Leaf Litter in %. GH1: Fist genetic soil horizon according to Soil-Survey-Staff (2014) (Ah:: Mineral horizon with accumulation of organic matter. This horizon is formed at the soil surface or below an O horizon). GH2: Second genetic soil horizon according to Soil-Survey-Staff (2014) (AB: Transition horizon between A and B. A is a mineral horizon formed at the surface or below an O horizon, B is a subsurface horizon in which the structure of the rock is obliterated; AC: Transition horizon between A and C. A is a mineral horizon formed at the surface or below an O horizon; C is a mineral horizon, excluding hard bedrock, that is little affected by pedogenetic processes; Bw: Mineral B horizon where the development of colour or structure are its more important diagnostic characteristics). GH3: Third genetic soil horizon according to Soil-Survey-Staff (2014) (Bw: : Mineral B horizon where the development of colour or structure are its more important diagnostic characteristics; C: Mineral horizon, excluding hard bedrock, that is little affected by pedogenetic processes; Cg: Mineral horizon in which a distinct pattern of mottling occurs that reflects alternating conditions of oxidation and reduction of sesquioxides, caused by seasonal surface waterlogging). Th_H1: Thickness of the first soil horizon in cm. Th_H2: Thickness of the second soil horizon in cm. Th_H3: Thickness of the third soil horizon in cm. wetCol_H1: Wet matrix colour (Hue Value/Chroma) of the first soil horizon according to Munsell soil color chards (10YR2/1: black; 10YR2/2: very dark brown; 10YR3/1: very dark grey; 10YR3/2: very dark greyish brown; 10YR4/1: dark grey; 10YR6/3: pale brown). wetCol_H2: Wet matrix colour (Hue Value/Chroma) of the second soil horizon according to Munsell soil color chards (5YR5/8: yellowish red; 7.5YR4/6: strong brown; 10YR3/2: very dark greyish brown; 10YR4/1: dark grey; 10YR4/2: dark greyish brown; 10YR4/4: dark yellowish brown with chroma 4; 10YR4/6: dark yellowish brown with chroma 6; 10YR5/3: brown; 10YR5/4: yellowish brown with chroma 4; 10YR5/6: yellowish brown with chroma 6; 10YR5/8: yellowish brown with chroma 8; 10YR6/4: light yellowish brown; 10YR6/6: brownish yellow). wetCol_H3: Wet matrix colour (Hue Value/Chroma) of the third soil horizon according to Munsell soil color chards (5YR4/6: yellowish red; 10YR4/4: dark yellowish brown with chroma 4; 10YR4/6: dark yellowish brown with chroma 6; 10YR5/8: yellowish brown; 10YR6/1: grey). dryCol_H1:Dry matrix colour (Hue Value/Chroma) of the first soil horizon according to Munsell soil color chards (10YR4/1: dark grey; 10YR4/2: dark greyish brown; 10YR5/1: grey with value 5; 10YR5/2: greyish brown; 10YR5/3: brown; 10YR6/1: grey with value 6; 10YR6/2: light yellowish brown; 10YR7/2: light grey). dryCol_H2: Dry matrix colour (Hue Value/Chroma) of the second soil horizon according to Munsell soil color chards (7.5YR6/6: redish brown; 10YR4/1: dark grey; 10YR6/1: grey with value 6; 10YR6/2: light yellowish brown with chroma 2; 10YR6/3: pale brown; 10YR6/4: light yellowish brown with chroma 4; 10YR6/6: brownish yellow; 10YR7/3: very pale brown with value 7 and choma 3; 10YR7/4: very pale brown withvalue 7 and choma 4; 10YR8/4: very pale brown with value 8 and choma 4). dryCol_H3: Dry matrix colour (Hue Value/Chroma) of the third soil horizon according to Munsell soil color chards (5YR5/6: yellowish red; 7.5YR5/6: strong brown; 10YR6/4: light yellowish brown; 10YR6/6: brownish yellow; 10YR7/4: very pale brown; 10YR8/1: white). Sand_H1: Percentage of sand of the first soil horizon determined by the pipette method (MAPA 1994) according to Soil-Survey-Staff (2014) in % weight/weight. Sand_H2: Percentage of sand of the second soil horizon determined by the pipette method (MAPA 1994) according to Soil-Survey-Staff (2014) in % weight/weight. Sand_H3: Percentage of sand of the third soil horizon determined by the pipette method (MAPA 1994) according to Soil-Survey-Staff (2014) in % weight/weight. Silt_H1: Percentage of silt of the first soil horizon determined by the pipette method (MAPA 1994) according to Soil-Survey-Staff (2014) in % weight/weight. Silt_H2: Percentage of silt of the second soil horizon determined by the pipette method (MAPA 1994) according to Soil-Survey-Staff (2014) in % weight/weight. Silt_H3: Percentage of silt of the third soil horizon determined by the pipette method (MAPA 1994) according to Soil-Survey-Staff (2014) in % weight/weight. Clay_H1: Percentage of clay of the first soil horizon determined by the pipette method (MAPA 1994) according to Soil-Survey-Staff (2014) in % weight/weight. Clay_H2: Percentage of clay of the second soil horizon determined by the pipette method (MAPA 1994) according to Soil-Survey-Staff (2014) in % weight/weight. Clay_H3: Percentage of clay of the third soil horizon determined by the pipette method (MAPA 1994) according to Soil-Survey-Staff (2014) in % weight/weight. Tex_H1: Textural class of the first soil horizon according to Soil-Survey-Staff (2014) (SL: Sandy Loam; LfS: Loamy Fine Sand; L: Loam). Tex_H2: Textural class of the second soil horizon according to Soil-Survey-Staff (2014) (SL: Sandy Loam; LfS: Loamy Fine Sand; L: Loam, CL: Clay loam). Tex_H3: Textural class of the third soil horizon according to Soil-Survey-Staff (2014) (SL: Sandy Loam; L: Loam; C: Clay). Stones_H1: Coarse soil material (&gt; 2 mm) of the first soil horizon in % weight/weight. Stones_H2: Coarse soil material (&gt; 2 mm) of the second soil horizon in % weight/weight. Stones_H3: Coarse soil material (&gt; 2 mm) of the third soil horizon in % weight/weight. %FR_H1: Fine roots (&lt; 5 mm) of the first soil horizon in %. %FR_H2: Fine roots (&lt; 5 mm) of the second soil horizon in %. %FR_H3: Fine roots (&lt; 5 mm) of the third soil horizon in %. %CR_H1: Coarse roots (&gt; 5 mm) of the first soil horizon in %. %CR_H2: Coarse roots (&gt; 5 mm) of the second soil horizon in %. %CR_H3: Coarse roots (&gt; 5 mm) of the third soil horizon in %. bD_H1: Bulk density of the first soil horizon according to MAPA (1994) in g/cm<sup>3</sup>. bD_H2: Bulk density of the second soil horizon according to MAPA (1994) in g/cm<sup>3</sup>. bD_H3: Bulk density of the third soil horizon according to MAPA (1994) in g/cm<sup>3</sup>. pD_H1: Particle density of the first soil horizon according to MAPA (1994) in g/cm<sup>3</sup>. pD_H2: Particle density of the second soil horizon according to MAPA (1994) in g/cm<sup>3</sup>. pD_H3: Particle density of the third soil horizon according to MAPA (1994) in g/cm<sup>3</sup>. Poro_H1: Porosity of the first soil horizon according to MAPA (1994) in % vol/vol. Poro_H2: Porosity of the second soil horizon according to MAPA (1994) in % vol/vol. Poro_H3: Porosity of the third soil horizon according to MAPA (1994) in % vol/vol. pH_H1: pH (1:2.5 H2O) of the first soil horizon according to MAPA (1994) pH_H2: pH (1:2.5 H2O) of the second soil horizon according to MAPA (1994) pH_H3: pH (1:2.5 H2O) of the third soil horizon according to MAPA (1994) EC_H1: Electrical conductivity of the first soil horizon according to MAPA (1994) in dS/m. EC_H2: Electrical conductivity of the second soil horizon according to MAPA (1994) in dS/m. EC_H3: Electrical conductivity of the third soil horizon according to MAPA (1994) in dS/m. avP_H1: Available phosphorus of the first soil horizon according to Olsen and Sommers (1982) in mg/kg. avP_H2: Available phosphorus of the second soil horizon according to Olsen and Sommers (1982) in mg/kg. avP_H3: Available phosphorus of the third soil horizon according to Olsen and Sommers (1982) in mg/kg. avPstock_H1: Available phosphorus stock of the first soil horizon according to López-Marcos et al. (2019) in Mg/ha. avPstock_H2: Available phosphorus stock of the second soil horizon according to López-Marcos et al. (2019) in Mg/ha. avPstock_H3: Available phosphorus stock of the third soil horizon up to 50 cm depth according to López-Marcos et al. (2019) in Mg/ha. avPstock_50: Available phosphorus stock of whole soil profile up to 50 cm depth accorging to López-Marcos et al. (2019) in Mg/ha. TN_H1. Total nitrogen of the first soil horizon analyzed with a LECO-CHN 2000 elemental analyser in mg/kg. TN_H2: Total nitrogen of the second soil horizon analyzed with a LECO-CHN 2000 elemental analyser in mg/kg. TN_H3: Total nitrogen of the third soil horizon analyzed with a LECO-CHN 2000 elemental analyser in mg/kg. TNstock_H1: Total nitrogen stock of the first soil horizon according to López-Marcos et al. (2019) in Mg/ha. TNstock_H2: Total nitrogen stock of the second soil horizon according to López-Marcos et al. (2019) in Mg/ha. TNstock_H3: Total nitrogen stock of the third soil horizon up to 50 cm depth according to López-Marcos et al. (2019) in Mg/ha. TNstock_50: Total nitrogen stock of whole soil profile up to 50 cm depth according to López-Marcos et al. (2019) in Mg/ha. TOC_H1: Total organic carbon of the first soil horizon analyzed with a LECO-CHN 2000 elemental analyser in mg/kg. TOC_H2: Total organic carbon of the second soil horizon analyzed with a LECO-CHN 2000 elemental analyser in mg/kg. TOC_H3: Total organic carbon of the third soil horizon analyzed with a LECO-CHN 2000 elemental analyser in mg/kg. TOCstock_H1:Total organic carbon stock of the first soil horizon according to López-Marcos et al. (2019) in Mg/ha. TOCstock_H2: Total organic carbon stock of the second soil horizon according to López-Marcos et al. (2019) in Mg/ha. TOCstock_H3: Total organic carbon stock of the third soil horizon up to 50 cm depth according to López-Marcos et al. (2019) in Mg/ha. TOCstock_50: Total organic carbon stock of whole soil profile up to 50 cm depth according to López-Marcos et al. (2019) in Mg/ha. C/N_H1: Ratio of total organic carbon to total nitrogen of the first soil horizon C/N_H2 : Ratio of total organic carbon to total nitrogen of the second soil horizon C/N_H3: Ratio of total organic carbon to total nitrogen of the third soil horizon OxC_H1: Easily oxidizable carbon of the first soil horizon according to Walkley (1947) in mg/kg. OxC_H2: Easily oxidizable carbon of the second soil horizon according to Walkley (1947) in mg/kg. OxC_H3: Easily oxidizable carbon of the third soil horizon according to Walkley (1947) in mg/kg. OxCstock_H1: Easily oxidizable carbon stock of the first soil horizon according to López-Marcos et al. (2019) in Mg/ha. OxCstock_H2: Easily oxidizable carbon stock of the second soil horizon according to López-Marcos et al. (2019) in Mg/ha. OxCstock_H3: Easily oxidizable carbon stock of the third soil horizon up to 50 cm depth according to López-Marcos et al. (2019) in Mg/ha. OxCstock_50: Easily oxidizable carbon stock of whole soil profile up to 50 cm depth according to López-Marcos et al. (2019) in Mg/ha. CEC_H1: Cation exchange capacity of the first soil horizon according to Mehlich (1953) in cmol<sub>+</sub>/kg. CEC_H2: Cation exchange capacity of the second soil horizon according to Mehlich (1953) in cmol<sub>+</sub>/kg. CEC_H3: Cation exchange capacity of the third soil horizon according to Mehlich (1953) in cmol<sub>+</sub>/kg. Na<sup>+</sup>_H1: Exchangeable sodium of the first soil horizon by means of extracting with 1N ammonium acetate (pH=7) (Schollenberger and Simon 1945) in cmol<sub>+</sub>/kg. Na<sup>+</sup>_H2: Exchangeable sodium

Referencias bibliográficas

  • 10.1007/s10342-018-1143-y
  • 10.1007/s10342-019-01215-0
  • 10.1007/s13595-020-0919-7