Department: Sociology and Social Work


Area: Sociology

Research group: Applied Social Sciences


Doctor by the Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea with the thesis La sucesión en la ganadería familiar el ovino de leche en el País Vasco 2009. Supervised by Dr. José Ramón Mauleón Gómez.

Guadalupe Ramos Truchero has a PhD in Sociology from the University of the Basque Country and a degree in Sociology from the University of Salamanca. She was a pre-doctoral scholarship holder of the Basque Government. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Work at the University of Valladolid in the Faculty of Education and Social Work. Her research career started in the field of Rural Sociology and Agriculture with the study of the socio-economic impact of rural development policies in the European Union and research on the generational change on family farms in the Basque Country, the basis of her doctoral thesis. Later on, her research moved towards other areas such as employment and business, and she has worked on the quality of employment, job satisfaction, and equal opportunities in the rural environment. In recent years, she has been working on food-related issues within the Food Sociology Research Group at the University of Oviedo. She is part of several research groups. As part of them, she has worked in European, national, and regional projects, investigating topics such as farmers’ and municipal institutions’ agro-environmental commitment to the fight against climate change through the application of agro-forestry production systems (LIFE + projects: “Green Deserts” [European Commission’s Best Life Award 2016–17] and “Operation CO2”); counter-urbanisation in Spain (CS02011–27981); social practices linked to food outside the home in Spain and the United Kingdom (CSO2012–31904); evaluation of rural development programmes in the Basque Autonomous Community; the study of inequalities in access to food shops and food deserts. At present, she is participating in the project “Food and social structure. Analysis of food inequalities” (CSO2015–68434–R) and in educational projects on the use of “ecodidactic“ gardens and their link to food education ("Cultive a better world". El uso didáctico de huertos ecológicos para la mejora del aprendizaje del alumnado de Educación Primaria, Secundaria, Formación Profesional y Universidad (“Cultivate a better world". The Didactic Use of Ecological Gardens for the Improvement of Students’ Learning in Primary, Secondary, Vocational, and University Education”, EDUJCYL2016–INV03). With this research evidence, she has participated in more than twenty national and international conferences as part of working groups dedicated to rural, agricultural, and food issues. She had several residencies as a pre-doctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki (2001) and at the Rural Economy Research Centre TEAGASC (Agricultural and Food Development Authority) in Dublin (2002), as a visiting professor at the University of Manchester (2010) and at Kansas State University in the United States (2014) on a post-doctoral programmes, where she researched rural food deserts. Finally, at Wageningen University & Research-Rural Sociology Group (2020) , where she focused on the study of food inequalities, and specifically on food supply in isolated rural areas in Europe (José Castillejo Fellowship). She has been President of the Research Committee on the Sociology of Food of the Spanish Federation of Sociology (FES) (2016-2020) and, nowadays, she represents Southern European countries as a member of the RC 40, Research Committee on Agriculture and Food of the International Sociological Association (ISA) ( and scientific committe of Institute Danone Spain.